Joseph Ezekiel Ndulani

My website: Ndulani-Sunflower Oil

Upon my arrival in the Netherlands to pursue my Master’s degree at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, I was introduced to the Business Orientation course by Comrade Allen Kiiza. Despite its brevity, this course has furnished me with a robust framework concerning the establishment and operation of businesses.
I have harboured aspirations of initiating and expanding a cooking oil production enterprise utilising sunflower seeds as the primary raw material. However, my inadequacy in essential business knowledge, specifically in areas such as product line selection, securing stable market channels, business plan formulation, and proficient management, hindered the realisation of this vision. The Business Orientation course has proven instrumental in remedying these shortcomings by equipping me with these vital skills within a concise timeframe, thereby affording me a comprehensive understanding.
One notable accomplishment arising from this course is the successful development of a business website, a paramount instrument for any enterprise. Such a digital presence not only attracts potential investors but also serves as a pivotal tool for promoting the business to a wider audience.
I extend my sincere appreciation to Dr. Martin Oyevaar, Marco Strijks, Jacques Bazen, Allen Kiiza, and Rob Wolters for their unwavering commitment to imparting this indispensable knowledge into my academic journey and career aspirations. The wealth of knowledge I have gained will serve as the cornerstone of my entrepreneurial success, enabling me to realise my longstanding ambition.